We hear about mindset a lot these days, and for the most part ... get it, right? I'd wager a guess that we 'get it' only to a point. The depth and impact of mastering your mindset isn't about being 'Positive Patty', it's about understanding, accepting, and supporting mindset changes that support you. During these layoff times, you might be facing a more challenging time as you process, grieve, redirect, jump back in, and explore the opportunity to choose what happens next in your life.
Sciencey Stuff
Mindset is a psychological concept that refers to an individual's way of thinking or their attitudes and beliefs about their abilities, personality, and the world around them. The science behind mindset involves understanding how people's thoughts and beliefs shape their behaviors, emotions, and performance in different areas of their lives.
One of the most influential theories of mindset is the growth mindset theory, developed by psychologist Carol Dweck. According to this theory, people can either have a fixed mindset, where they believe that their abilities are predetermined and cannot be changed, or a growth mindset, where they believe that their abilities can be developed and improved through effort and learning.
Research has shown that individuals with a growth mindset tend to be more resilient, persistent, and motivated in the face of challenges, as they see setbacks as opportunities for growth and improvement. In contrast, individuals with a fixed mindset may avoid challenges or give up easily when faced with obstacles, as they believe that their abilities are limited and cannot be changed.
Overall, the science behind mindset highlights the importance of our beliefs and attitudes in shaping our behavior and performance, and emphasizes the potential for growth and improvement through adopting a growth mindset.
Committed to You
Owning your mindset is powerful as a practice and a daily activity. For me, it’s on ongoing active pursuit and commitment to myself. And sometimes when I fall out of that commitment, I need that reminder that … mindset IS the starting point for success. And I want to be clear here, I don’t mean for SOME people mindset makes a difference, or for other people mindset is a nice to have. Mindset has the power to be a make or break it influence on your day, your pursuits, your passions, your success, your goals.
You’re brain is on your side. And it’s up to you to remind it of what you need. The key to this is building repeatable processes, actions, and thinking as your tools to own your mindset.
What thoughts do you have on repeat in your mind that are not serving you?
Start Here
You are the engineer of your mindset. It's important to remember that our brains are trying to protect us and keep us safe. And sometimes, it does that in unsupportive ways. Take some time to consider what reprogramming needs to happen for you?
What can you do to change the messages your are giving to your brain?
As you step toward supporting yourself with healthy routines, you are building foundational practices that have exponential impact for you. This isn't just a great habit to build now, but something that can root you back into your values and core beliefs.
Here are three steps you can take to start creating a growth mindset:
Embrace challenges: People with a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as threats or obstacles. To develop a growth mindset, try to seek out challenges in your life, whether it's learning a new skill, taking on a new project, or trying something outside of your comfort zone. When faced with challenges, focus on what you can learn and how you can grow from the experience.
Cultivate a love for learning: People with a growth mindset are curious and passionate about learning. To develop a growth mindset, try to cultivate a love for learning by exploring new topics, seeking out new experiences, and setting learning goals for yourself. Read books, take courses, attend workshops or seminars, and look for opportunities to learn and grow.
Emphasize effort over talent: People with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through hard work and effort, rather than being predetermined by innate talent or intelligence. To develop a growth mindset, focus on the effort you put into achieving your goals, rather than just the outcome. Acknowledge and celebrate the effort you put in, even if you don't achieve the results you were hoping for. This will help you see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as indications of your innate ability or intelligence.
Take this time, wherever you happen to be on your journey, and make that commitment to yourself. Because you are worth it. You were made to live and extraordinary life, so spend some time investing in it.